Your Well-Being Is in Good Hands
"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind"
William James
Guiding You On the Path of Self-Healing
Gestalt Therapy has its roots in Humanistic psychology and it seeks to help people from the point of view of the present moment, making them see the full range of possibilities around them. Gestalt therapy goes beyond the limits of the space shared by the therapist and the client to give us a new life focus. The objective is on the present and not on those events of the past or childhood for which the person could still feel responsible.
1 hr
1 hr

A Warranted Professional Here to Guide You
Life can get difficult, and sometimes a little help can make things better. I care about others well-being and try my best to provide all the tools needed in order to seize the day and learn how to tackle even the most traumatic circumstances.
I am building a private practice on a platform which will be easily accessible to all individuals. My aim is to share parts of myself through articles relating to life's ever growing challenges in the hope of reaching others who are encountering similair experiences.